A Journey to Restore the Planet
Our vision is to be chosen by customers with property in peril or construction who prioritise value, people, planet and speed. We are proud to commit to restoring businesses, homes and livelihoods back to their intended state.
But why should it stop there?
The result of sustained corporate operations has set our planet on a path towards an uncertain future, and it is our responsibility to ensure we are doing everything we can as a business to operate more sustainably.
Whilst our mission is heavily underway, we have much left to do and hope you will join us on our journey to #RestoreThePlanet. Together we can give Mother Nature a fighting chance at remaining a green ecosystem for generations to come.
Operation Going Green
In 2022, we implemented a ‘print only when necessary’ policy at our Central Office. This is the first step in our eventual goal to become a ‘paperless business’ across the whole company.
In line with this, we are now opting to phase out traditional business cards and replace them with QR Codes. Our physical marketing materials are following suit, with changeable aspects of the business being accessible by modifiable QR codes to maximise longevity.
Optimising energy usage is being introduced into all technician training programmes, and we are also working with our main equipment suppliers to develop more efficient appliances.
We have committed to provide our audiences with more education about water waste and leaks. Throughout the latter half of 2022, we have been advising customers and policy holders on the warning signs of a leak and how to avoid burst pipes, going some way in helping to reduce the 3.1 billion litres of water lost to leaking pipes each year.
We plan to develop further resources on our website which will promote advice that will benefit the environment, economy and our customer’s pockets.
We have made movement in our commitment to electric vehicles in the purchase of our first car back in June 2022. We are now working with award winning electric vehicle experts Drive Electric and have secured 3 more for delivery in 2023.
These take their place next to a hybrid already in use.
A Sustainable Future
Having already made these initial steps towards becoming more eco-friendly, our sustainability project came to fruition during 2022, in the appointment of a new leadership team with a drive for change.
Our MD, Mark McMullen, secured the opportunity to partner with a global leader in sustainable solutions for businesses, RSK. With their expertise, we have built a framework and developmental goals that will guide us along the path to Net Zero.
Throughout 2023, we will be working through this framework, culminating in a representative measure of our carbon footprint and a long-term emission reduction strategy with Science Based Target Initiatives (SBTI) and commitments.
Our journey to Net Zero also involves working with our supply chain to advocate carbon neutralisation and reduce the indirect emissions caused by our business together and our own business.
We also are investing in our own claims management technology, which will help reduce the claims cycle, minimise amount of visits needed and contents written off.
You may be wondering, what specific goals have we set? Luckily for you we have this infographic that details all:
The Four Steps to Net Zero
It is fair to say we have major plans for the coming years. That’s because we are driven to become industry leaders in sustainability, in line with our vision to serve our customers with compassion and responsibility to our earth. We hope we can inspire individuals and other businesses alike to make a difference, and help Rainbow to #RestoreThePlanet.