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Rapid Response For Domestic Property Following Severe Flooding

Rapid Response For Domestic Property Following Severe Flooding


Rainbow International received an urgent call from one of their regular work providers, advising that through hurricane like winds and extensive rainfall on Christmas Eve morning, there had been flash flooding and an entire property had been flooded throughout.

Initial Response

Antique furniture and Christmas presents for young children were all affected. After further telephone calls from the local branch Rainbow’s Technical Director the Technical Director was dispatched immediately. This response was due to the severity of the incident so that mitigation and salvage of the property and its contents could be achieved into the evening of Christmas Eve.

Upon arrival at the site the Technical Director organised for the entire ground floor of the property to be fully sanitised throughout as most of the flood water came from surrounding meadows and contained various contaminates.

A Triage operation was then put into place so that all contents that were restorable or had sentimental value were rescued and moved to an area of the property so that they could be slowly dried out ready for restoration.

All other remaining areas were cleared of non-restorable contents as well as floor coverings so that systematic sensitive targeted drying systems could be implemented during the Christmas break. If these works had not been completed further moisture ingress would have occurred into the fabric of the structure resulting in far more extensive stripping out and remedial repairs.

All decorative works were completed throughout in record time due to rapid response at the outset