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More than 400 tall buildings are now planned in London – More work for the high access building cleaning companies

More than 400 tall buildings are now planned in London – More work for the high access building cleaning companies

The number of high access buildings in the pipeline for London continues to grow, with plans for an additional 119 new high access buildings emerging in the past year. This takes the total number of high access buildings in the capital’s pipeline to 436.

High access Buildings in Numbers

  • The research, which is updated annually, is published by New London Architecture (NLA) and GLHearn and includes buildings of 20 floors and more. It found that:
  • Since January 2015, the number of high access buildings that are under construction has increased from 70 to 89.
  • A total of 233 high access buildings in London have planning approval but are yet to start on site
  • A further 114 towers are either in planning or at pre-application stage
    94 high access buildings were submitted for planning since this time last year, up from 72 in the previous year.
  • A significant number of the high access buildings planned form parts of wider masterplans, which arrange multiple towers in clusters.
  • While there is a large number of high access buildings in the pipeline, only a relatively small proportion are actually being built. Just 19 high access buildings were completed in 2015, up from six the previous year.
  • The average height of London’s new high access buildings is approximately 30 storeys, with 60% of the high access buildings reaching between 20 and 29 storeys. Only eight planned buildings top 60 storeys.
  • City Pride in Tower Hamlets will become the capital’s tallest residential high access building at 75 floors.
  • The trend towards high blocks of flats continues; 73% of the proposed high access buildings are designed primarily for living accommodation.

How to clean tall buildings

So, with high access buildings set to increase, at least in the UK’s capital, have you ever wondered who does the high access cleaning of these buildings?

Rainbow International – with branches across the UK – provides comprehensive specialist high level cleaning services including:

Rainbow uses a wide variety of access platforms and the best access equipment for each job. Its operatives are fully trained to the highest industry standards and are fully compliant with the latest Health and Safety regulations.

Find your nearest branch online or contact us now for advice and further information on our 24/7 helpline 01623 422488.

Source: The Construction Index.

Published: 06 Jul 2016